Featured Insights
COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker
The COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker monitors responses taken by governments worldwide to tackle the pandemic, and highlights those that have integrated a gender lens. The Tracker can provide guidance for policymakers and evidence for advocates.

Gender Social Media Monitoring
The Gender Social Media Monitoring Tool is a pilot initiative that leverages artificial intelligence technologies to track conversations on social media networks across categories relevant to gender-responsive policymaking: education, politics, reproductive rights, work, and violence.

Gender Social Norms Index
Gender bias is a pervasive problem worldwide. The Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) quantifies biases against women, capturing people’s attitudes on women’s roles along four key dimensions: political, educational, economic, and physical integrity.

Publications Related to Gender Equality
Breaking down gender biases: Shifting social norms towards gender equality
Gender bias is a pervasive problem worldwide. The Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) quantifies biases against women, capturing people’s attitudes on women’s roles along four key dimensions: political, educational, economic, and physical integrity.

The Paths to Equal
This report expands the measures for women and girls to exercise their potential, their opportunities, and the choices available to them. It introduces a new multidimensional framework to measure the status of women’s empowerment and gender equality across the world.

Global Factsheet: Gender Equality and Environmental Considerations in Covid-19 Response
This factsheet maps gender-sensitive and green measures from nearly 200 countries and territories. In doing so, this work identifies gaps and opportunities for policymaking in these areas, while highlighting innovative practices that governments have already taken to inspire further action.

The 10-Point Action Agenda: Advancing Gender Equality in Crisis Settings (10PAA)
UNDP has developed this roadmap to guide its development programming towards results that will help transform and advance gender equality in crisis contexts and achieve the Women, Peace, and Security agenda.

The Africa Care Economy Index
The Africa Care Economy Index offers a concrete evaluation of African state performance in the recognition, support, and redistribution of caring work.

UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025
The strategy responds to reflections around why has progress towards gender equality been so slow and scattered, and what can UNDP best do in response.

UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021 | 2021 Annual Report
This Annual Report highlights UNDP's progress on its Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021 and key achievements in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women in 2021.

Global Report on Gender Equality in Public Administration
The global report provides an overview of key trends and analysis on women’s participation and leadership in public administration, based on evidence from UNDP and the University of Pittsburgh’s ground-breaking GEPA database.