DFx Academy


We believe evidence is at the centre of UNDP’s work in delivering cogent, integrated, country-driven development solutions that maximise collective results and impact to make a tangible difference to the lives of millions.  

The DFx Academy represents a learning offer, designed to help participants learn about the diverse types of data used in development, the best practices and use cases, main opportunities, and caveats, as well as explore novel analytical tools and methodologies 

About DFx Academy

In collaboration with technical teams across the GPN, and colleagues in HDRO, IEO and CDO, the DFx Academy helps staff get the most from the new features and services of Data Futures Exchange (DFx). Together with the popular ‘Data Thursdays’ learning series that it builds on, the DFx Academy is a core component of the Data Futures Exchange 'Learning' offer.  

The first is a self-paced online course-open to all UNDP staff- with 8 sections, fun quizzes, and practical case studies meant as a foundation that will provide all UNDP personnel with the basics of data for development and is available through the SparkBlue online course space.

We’re also hosting a dedicated learning series every six months, and based on an open invitation to staff, we’re delighted to welcome 40 personnel from across UNDP’s regional and central bureaux into a learning space that includes live tutoring sessions guided by technical experts and workshops that focus on the ‘hands-on’ use of data approaches and tools (Modules 2-5). The final section will explore the power of data partnerships for creating coalitions that can unlock the data dividend (Module 6).  




hours of learning


cohorts every year


Module 1Open to All UNDP staff 
Understanding Data for Development
  • Overview of the traditional and nontraditional data used to inform development policies. 
  • Explores census data, household surveys, administrative data, mobile network operator data, geospatial approaches and machine learning and AI. 
  • Outlines some of the key data initiatives in UNDP.


Module 2
Accessing and Using Development Data through the DFx
  • A comprehensive tour of the unique features of the DFx tools and multidimensional data, which allow for uncovering trends, patterns, and relationships that might not be readily apparent   
  • Deep dive into some of the critical areas like poverty or electricity access 
  • Key practices to leverage the DFx for regional and country's needs
Module 3
AI for Development
  • A practical set of tips and tricks and understand key caveats when using genAI solutions for development
  • Leveraging DFx AI Chat, UNDP’s one-stop-shop for GenAI 
  • AI-related tasks from simple conversations to retrieval-augmented generation and data grounding
Module 4
Using the DFx to Communicate Data Insights
  • Covers the fundamentals of data visualization
  • Walkthrough of the design basics and creating engaging data visualizations using UNDP’s Data Visualization Tool 
  • Leveraging the UNDP Acquia platform and the UNDP design guidelines to build visualisation-rich insight pages on the DFx  
Module 5
Geospatial Data and Analytics
  • Fundamentals of geospatial data (vector vs. raster)
  • Upload geospatial data to GeoHub
  • Utilising GeoHub to visualize geospatial data effectively
  • Analysing geospatial data using GeoHub to address specific policy-related questions through practical exercises  
Module 6
Building and Leveraging Data Partnerships in UNDP
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the corporate guidance on data partnerships 
  • Understand the importance of safeguarding data privacy in the context of partnerships 
  • Deep dive into UNDP’s data partnerships, including the Data for Development Partnership, Power of Data High Impact Initiative and Data for Now  

Get Involved

Are you interested in contributing to this project or the global response? We're looking for people who can contribute data and analyses, as well as organizations interested in partnerships and funding