Featured Insights
Mutidimensional Poverty
Multidimensional measures of poverty offer the opportunity to construct a comprehensive portrayal of poverty, going beyond income and consumption. They unveil the deprivations experienced by the poor in various dimensions of human well-being, providing important insights into the breadth of challenges they face.

Informal Economy Data Explorer
The Informal Economy Data Explorer was launched to visualize a wide range of data on the informal economy at the individual and firm level. With more than 2 billion people earning their livelihoods in the informal economy, better evidence and monitoring of informal economic activities are key to formulate policies for informal workers.

Mapping income inequality
The world has committed to achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average, as stated in the 2030 Agenda (SDG target 10.1).
See UNDP’s recent companion paper for more details.

Publications Related to Poverty And Inequality
Next Practices: Innovations in the COVID-19 social protection responses and beyond

The Human Cost of Inaction: Poverty, Social Protection and Debt Servicing, 2020–2023

Cost-of-living Crisis Update: Diverging Food and Energy Prices, Diverging Policy Responses

The Inequality Gap: The Bottom 40 May Be Further Away Than We Thought

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