Georgia: Using information to tackle climate risk
Published on 08 May 2023
Increase the knowledge of communities on how to use climate information is key to reduce their exposure to natural hazards.
This seven-year project (2019-2025) aims at reducing the exposure of Georgia’s communities, livelihoods, and infrastructure to climate-induced natural hazards through a well-functioning nationwide multi-hazard early warning system (MHEWS) and risk-informed local action. The project focuses on all 11 major river basins through non-structural measures (such as agroforestry) and 13 intervention sites through structural measures (such as wire mesh mat linings, gabions, embankments, concrete regulation walls, and riverbed and channel cleaning).
The project consists of three components, and each of them of several activities. Impact evaluation will be conducted under Component 3 which includes 2 activities -
- implementation of Community Based Early Warning System (CBEWS) and community-based climate risk management (CBCRM) and
- public awareness and capacity building program at all levels to effectively deliver climate risk information and training to communities and local first responders.
Impact Evaluation timeline
Approaches to assess the impact
Following an RCT design (phase-in), the IE will estimate the impact of program activities on a number of household-level indicators, including but not limited to: hazard risk and vulnerability awareness, understanding and use of EWS messages, preparedness, absorptive and adaptive capacity, perception of safety and resilience, attitudes towards long-term planning and investment as well as KAP relating local climate risk management options (including use and impact of the options), yields, income, livelihood diversification, food security. Baseline data collection is currently ongoing.
Randomized control trial (RCT)