Liberia: Enhancing local climate resilience in Monrovia
Published on 05 May 2023
Protecting West Point’s residents against coastal erosion and storms is key to reduce the threat of climate change to coastal communities in Monrovia.
This 6-year project (2021-2027) expects to enhance the resiliency of vulnerable coastal communities to climate-induced sea-level rise by constructing coastal defence structures, developing a coastal zone management plan, and supporting livelihood diversification.
Approaches to assess the impact
A quasi-experimental approach (Difference-in-Difference) is being considered to evaluate the combined effects of the coastal revetment and soft investments of the project. Specifically, the treatment group would be drawn from residents of West Point community and the control group would come from a different community in Monrovia with similar dependence of fishing and facing coastal erosion but without a coastal revetment.
difference in difference (DiD)